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 Welcome to the magic of magicness

IMG 0920While trying to learn some new Content Management stuff, it seemed to me that the best way to learn was to do.  Not that I really need a web site or anything, but it will surely help to learn the pitfalls, trials, tribulations, and frustrations.  And perhaps a success now and again.

This site is built on the Joomla CMS (content management system).  I've looked at a few, and this one seemed to be more easily adaptable to various needs.  We shall see.  But it was cheap (read "free"), and easy to deploy on my hosting provider (Dreamhost).

One of the things any training on the platform stresses is "content".  Build content first.  I hate that.  But it's correct.  So for my content, I'm just pulling out things that occupy my brain on a normal basis.  This could be interesting....foghorn

The picture?  Oh, that's me.  I'm standing on a helipad at a lighthouse facility at Cape St. Francis, Newfoundland.  Just north of Pouch Cove (pronounced "POOCH" - trust me on this).  This will likely be explained in more detail later, but it was one of LeeAnne (my daughter) and my favorite spots on a recent (relatively) visit.

The picture up top?  That's from looking off the the left from where I'm standing in the lighthouse pic (our left, not my left in the picture).  It was indeed a most gorgeous location.  This other picture is the foghorn at Cape St. Francis lighthouse.  It's off to the right.  

So, let's see where this takes us.  I may wind up boring the crap out of some, but it's all in the name of learning.


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